I Can't Get To The Flop or See Any Flops

When the 5-Card PLO Trainer loads, you will see that by default a 6-Max, 100bb 5% 1bb Rake Cap tree is loaded. From this initial screen, you have the following options (located at the bottom of the poker table):

PLO Trainer - Default View

Fold - The current player (highlighted in blue on the poker table) will take the action of folding, and the action will be on the next player.

Pot - The current player will raise to full pot, and the next player can choose to either Fold, Call or Raise

Show - The eye icon will show you the entire range for this player - what percentage of hands are folding, raising, and calling (where applicable). You can use the filter on this view to type in a hand (or classes of hands) to see what the best actions are.

Train - This will train the selected position and previous actions given with a random assortment of hands.

Let's say you want the Button to open to Pot, and for both blinds to call. You click Pot on the Button, Call on the small blind and now want to click call on the big blind, but you can't?

PLO Trainer - BU vs SB + BB

This is because this is only a preflop game tree, and having the big blind call would lead to a flop - you need to select Postflop from the menu located to the left hand side of the screen (desktop) and by clicking on the 3 vertical lines and selecting Postflop (mobile). After selecting Postflop, you will need to select a Category and Tree.


PLO Trainer - Postflop Categories


PLO Trainer - Postflop Trees

After you have selected a Category AND a Tree, press Apply Selection. You will then see a list of flops to choose from - and this is how you can use the 5-Card PLO Trainer for Postflop training!